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Our projects

We focus on individuality

Experienced specialists - architects, engineers, designers and finishing teams - create unique spaces for our clients, created according to individual needs. Check out the presented realizations - in the portfolio you will find show interiors furnished turnkey put into the hands of private and institutional investors. Get inspired and let us do the finishing and designing of offices and other spaces for you!

What can you find
in the sample realisations?

We specialize in interior finishing of apartments and office design. Cooperation with us is carried out in several steps:

meeting, during which you present us with your expectations,
the preliminary concept - after its approval we sign a contract,
design process - at this stage our specialists implement the established assumptions,
complete service including purchase and delivery of materials necessary for the work,
coordination of the work of subcontractors,
turnkey finishing,
reception of the investment.

In our portfolio you will find both show apartments prepared specifically for presentation to clients, as well as turnkey furnishings - commission us to finish your interiors, and we will create the perfect space in them, combining individual style and functionality.

Check out the presented realisations
and take advantage of our offer!

If you need a comprehensive design of your apartment or office, along with subsequent supervision of the work in progress and want to enjoy spaces prepared for immediate use, come to us. Browse through the portfolio and visit the show premises to learn more about our capabilities!

Turnkey apartments
Turnkey apartments
Show apartments
Show apartments
Sales offices and common areas
Sales offices and common areas
Turnkey apartments Show apartments Sales offices and common areas


Would you like to talk about a comprehensive interior finishing of investments?
Feel free to contact us!


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Interior finishing of apartments and houses, interior design
Horizon Development Sp. z o.o.
Plac Piłsudskiego 3
00-078 Warszawa
NIP: 701-092-77-36
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Turnkey apartments
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